Resignation - Max Bail
Published Tue 30 Jun 2020
Good Afternoon All Affiliates,
On behalf of the Hockey SA Board & Management I am writing to advise that Max Bail has tendered his resignation as Competition & Facility Manager at Hockey SA.
Max who has worked with Hockey SA for three years has been a rock in the organisation through some challenging times throughout 2019 and throughout the more recent challenges of COVID-19.
During his time Max has often been labelled as ‘Mr Fix it’. Managing the Metropolitan competition, registrations system, websites, general administration, stadium maintenance and other major events he had jumped in like a true team player during his time as Hockey SA. I have personally admired his work over the past 3-4 months during my short time working with Max.
Hockey SA will be going to market in the coming days to find a suitable replacement for Max and Max has kindly offered to assist us in the transition.
I want to thank Max for his contribution to the organisation and wish him all the best as he takes on some new professional challenges in his life.
Max will continue to be a keen member of the hockey community as a player and coach, so Max will not be lost on our game.
Kind Regards,
Andrew Skillern
Chief Executive Officer
Hockey SA